19.09.2021 г.
Information overload is impeding communication. Art can help.
People are somehow attached to their words, texts and detailed descriptions. There is something deeply touching about this sentiment. They very well know that in most of the cases few people read them, and yet they keep stuffing their articles, presentations and materials with more and more text … until they are blocked mentally. You've heard of burn out, but do you know what "information obesity" is?
Information obesity is already a diagnosis.
It has been found to lead to impatience, panic attacks, difficult decision-making, apathy, difficulty retaining attention, difficulty concentrating and even physiological problems such as insomnia, skin reactions and sexual disorders.
This is abstract of the interview our Art Director Alexander Dimitrov gave to one of the most popular news portals in Bulgaria.
In the fight against information obesity, on the first line, there is a Bulgarian team that works all over the world. At the core of the studio are Lilyana Zagorcheva - PhD in Communication Science, Chris Dobson - Executive of some of the largest international communication consultancies, Desislava Kaliskova - longtime Director of Investor Relations and Petya Blagoeva - lecturer at the Academy of Arts. They compress the information that floods us to such an extent that we can process it qualitatively and without bothering us at a glance - through infographics, impactful visuals and motiographics.
You have seen the infographics of Alexander Dimitrov and his other colleagues in all national media. They are used by large global companies from America, Europe, Africa and the Middle East. But don't imagine pictures and texts pulled together in PowerPoint. We are talking about virtual art created by a sculptor and a 3D artist, such as Alexander in collaboration with a team of artists and information analysts.
He was born in Stara Zagora and has been painting since he was 3 years old. Naturally, his path continues through the Academy of Arts in Sofia, where he graduated in "Porcelain and Glass Design".
His sculptors are in private collections throughout France. A bronze statue he creates with his own hands greets guests at the prestigious Diplomatic School in Strasbourg. Despite his success in France, he decides to settle in Sofia and become a partner and creative director in the information design studio InfoGraffiti.
"For some people, infographics are nothing special. They take a few pictures, write text between them and it's supposed to work. We approach it differently at the studio and it's a bit more complicated. We try to explain very complex things in an easy, grasping, memorable and triggering way - so that the viewer understands at a glance what the issue is all about ", Alexander explains.
"Ever since I started work in the studio and dived into infographics and information design, I've realized how much unnecessary information floods us all of the time. To be precise - 11 billion bits of information every second. And whatever we do, our brains can only process 50 bits. The rest just overwhelms us. It is of no practical use at all and is even harmful."
Where is the connection between sculpture and information design? Michelangelo explains that he makes every masterpiece by simply removing the excess from a stone block. This is exactly what we do at the studio - remove redundant or noncontributing information.
"On a practical level in everyday life - people read less and less and if something doesn't grab them - they don't react. That's why we make infographics and animations on very important and serious topics. Sometimes, to make an infographic - we process several presentations, articles or reports. One of the hardest things for us is to get our clients to fit into the animation time, and you'll be amazed at how much can be said with a 30-second video, as well as with a sculpture," Alexander said.
You can read the full interview in Bulgarian: https://urbn.dir.bg/thegamechangers/shto-e-to-informatsionno-zatlastyavane-i-koy-e-balgarskiyat-ekip-boresht-se-s-nego-v-tsyal-svyat